Friday, March 16, 2012

Notes on DFS

DFS will be installed on documentum server at port 9080 by default and can be tested using below url.
We can also install DFS on web/App server as per below steps

Deploying on Apache Tomcat
Apache Tomcat does not support EAR archives. Therefore, to deploy on Tomcat, download emc-dfs.war for DFS (or the provided WAR file for a separate ECS deployment), using any of the various methods supported by Tomcat.

If the default maximum heap size of Tomcat is not large enough to run DFS and ECS services, increase it to 256 MB.

When deploying to Tomcat, we recommend making DFS the default application for the virtual host by setting its context path to a zero-length string. This step gives DFS the expected context root of http://<host_name>:<port>/services.

You can use the following procedure to perform a simple war file deployment.
1. Stop the Apache Tomcat server.
2. If the Tomcat JVM maximum heap size (also called Maximum Memory Pool) is less than 256 MB, increase it to 256 MB.
3. Copy the WAR file to the <TomcatHome>/webapps directory.
4. Modify the <TomcatHome>/conf/server.xml file and add an element like the following inside the <host> element.
<Context path="" docBase="emc-dfs" debug="0" reloadable="true"/>
This modification makes DFS the default application on the virtual host.
5. Start the Apache Tomcat server.

On startup, Tomcat unpacks the WAR file to a <TomcatHome>/webapps/<application_name> directory, where <application_name> is the name of the WAR file without the file extension

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