Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Top free email clients for Linux, Mac OS and Windows users

  •  Mozilla Thunderbird
  • Opera
  • Windows Live Mail
  • Pegasus Mail
  • IncrediMail
  • Mulberry
  • Claws Mail
  • Spicebird
  • Zimbra Collaboration Suite
  • Sylpheed

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

DQL Queries - Indexing

1. Total number of documents that should be indexed:

select distinct r_object_id as OBJID from dmr_content where any parent_id in (select r_object_id from dm_document where a_full_text = true)

2. Total number of documents that have failed to index:

select count(*) from dmr_content where any update_count < 0

3. Total number of documents that have been indexed:

select count(*) from dmr_content where any update_count > 0

4. Gives general overview of current indexing state:

select update_count, count(*) from dmr_content group by 1

5. Find names of all fulltext indices and what they refer to:

select index_name,store_name from dm_fulltext_index

6. Find all indexed documents:

select r_object_id object_name from dm_sysobject where a_full_text = true and r_object_id in (select parent_id from dmr_content where any (index_pending = false and update_count >0))

7. Find all documents waiting to be indexed:

select r_object_id object_name from dm_sysobject where a_full_text = true and r_object_id in (select parent_id from dmr_content where any index_pending = true)

8. Checking the status of a particular document:

select index_pending,update_count from dmr_content where any parent_id = 'document_id' and any parent_id in (select r_object_id from dm_sysobject where a_full_text = true)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Improve performance of Webtop home Page

Performance of home page  loading (doc list) can be improved by following configuration on Database.

Create index on  IDOCS_DOCUMENT_S( description, r_object_id) ; // composite index with 2 columns .. r_object_id is the last column .

Friday, August 26, 2011

UCF is not obeying the proxy configuration

Why might UCF not obey the Proxy Configuration Settings "

There is an undocumented setting called ignoreProxy that can be added to ucf.installer.config.xml configuration file located in the applications wdk/contentXfer directory on the application server machine which will cause the UCF runtime to ignore the proxy settings.

The standard ucf.installer.config.xml configuration file would look something like the following example.

<xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8">
<dctm fileVersion="" compatibilityVersion="">
<ucfInstaller codebase="" loggerLevel="INFO">

With the ignoreProxy setting it look like the following

<xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8">
<dctm fileVersion="" compatibilityVersion="">
<ucfInstaller codebase="" loggerLevel="INFO" ignoreProxy="true">

With this setting configured you would see something like the following output to the Java Console when the UCF runtime is being launched.

WARNING: Not looking up any proxy information as it's explicitly configured to be ignored

When this message is displayed the Proxy Configuration will be ignored and you may encounter undesirable behaviour.

This setting is not documented in our Product Documentation currently but some customers have added this setting as it is recommend to add the settings for loadrunner testing. ( See the LoadRunner Scripts for Webtop documentation that can be found on the Documentum Developer Website )
Reference: powerlink

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Inbox, Work Queue Monitoring pages are too slow...Optimize Oracle DB

 Add the following settings in init.ora

cursor_sharing = FORCE
optimizer_mode = CHOOSE
optimizer_index_cost_adj = 5
optimizer_index_caching = 95

cursor_sharing = FORCE

This parameter allows the optimizer to recognize similar statements and reduce parsing, even when bind variables are not being used. It
provides best benefit in large load environments. Note, however, that in Oracle 8i cursor_sharing=FORCE could lead to some sub-optimal query execution plans.

optimizer_mode = CHOOSE

This defines the behaviour of the optimizer. When set to CHOOSE, the optimizer will use cost-based optimization if statistics are available, and rule-based when statistics are not available. As certain applications and/or releases provide better performance in rule vs. cost-based optimization, this value provides the greatest flexibility as statistics need only be updated or deleted to switch optimization modes, without having to restart the instance.

optimizer_index_cost_adj = 5

The parameter tells Oracle's optimizer to always make indexes cheaper than full table scans. The default for this parameter is 100, and by changing it to 5, indexes look a lot cheaper to Oracle, and nested loop operations will be favoured.

optimizer_index_caching = 95

The parameter tells Oracle's optimizer to assume that it can expect to find a certain percentage of index blocks in the buffer cache. The default for this parameter is 0, and by changing it to 95, indexes look a lot cheaper to Oracle, and nested loop operations will be favoured.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Internal Server Error due to timeout from HTTP Server

We are getting internal server error  because of the timeout from HTTP server. Though we have the 'ServerIOTimeout' to '0'(no timeout) from default 60 sec, people told that increasing this timeout will cause hung threads on app server and the app server will take more time to render and JVM will get hung.

Recommendation from EMC for this parameter : 
Increase the HTTP server session value to 300. This should help with the application loading on the client’s web browser.

Following is the ennvironment:
Webtop v6.5
Websphere 7.0

If Workflow queue items are deleted, workflow dars are not getting installed

Here are the two options.

1.       Restore the dmi_queue_item_s table.
2.       All running workflows are useless without the queue item. You will never be able to reach them again. If this is fine we can remove the relationship between the workflows and their queue_items and you can uninstall the wf template again. These workflows should be terminated afterwards to remove them from the system.
a.       Run this SQL query to remove the relationship
update dmi_workitem_s set r_queue_item_id = '0000000000000000' where r_queue_item_id <> '0000000000000000' and r_queue_item_id not in (select r_object_id from dmi_queue_item_s)
b.      The workflow templates can now be uninstalled.
c.       Clean up the repository by terminating all the workflows that are missing dmi_queue_items.

It is not recommended to delete rows from the database that Documentum uses. If you need to delete something, do it through Documentum Administrator or DFC.

Monday, June 6, 2011

UCF Session Timeout while accessing webtop via SSL

When we try to access the Webtop via SSL (using RSA or any other) , it always fails in content transfer related action (create document / export / checkout) and gives the below error.

Steps to troubleshoot:

Turn on UCF server and UCF client tracing, and recreate the error? Tracing details are below:

1. UCF Client logs and traces
Please set the following for the above mentioned traces/logs
In ucf.client.config.xml,
handlers=java.util.logging.FileHandler, java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler
.level=ALL (by default, it is WARNING)

2. UCF Server logs and traces
In ucf.server.config.xml,

Please reference the example below, which is meant to help us getting the Server and DFC traces

log4j.rootCategory=ALL, stdout, file
#log4j.category.tracing=ERROR, FILE_TRACE,DFC_TRACE

#------------------- CONSOLE --------------------------
log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ABSOLUTE} %5p [%t] %c - %m%n

#------------------- FILE --------------------------
log4j.appender.F1.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ABSOLUTE} %5p [%t] %c - %m%n

#------------------- FILE_TRACE --------------------------
log4j.appender.FILE_TRACE.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ABSOLUTE} [%t] %m%n

#------------------- DFC_TRACE --------------------------
log4j.appender.DFC_TRACE.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ABSOLUTE} [%t] %m%n
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d{ISO8601}|%-5p|%-22t|%C|%M|%-4L] %m%n
log4j.appender.file.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d{ISO8601}|%-5p|%-22t|%C|%M|%-4L] %m%n

log4j.category.tracing=DEBUG, FILE_TRACE

3. Combined DFC/DMCL  traces
In file, add the following:
dfc.tracing.combineDMCL = true

All of these should be taken together for two times, first when the issue is seen and the second when the issue does not occur.
Its imperative for us to get the these logs (1,2 and 3) together in two sets as mentioned in the above line.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Performance Tuning of UCF Content Transfer

Please check the below mentioned EMC link for detailed article on this.

EMC Solution - Article

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Calendar Object Reference in Process Template - Issue with Deployment

After adding the calendar to the process templates (for notifications during business hours), our deployment of the process templates using Composer got failed by throwing following exception.
Exception Information:
emc.installer] [ERROR] Install Parameter validation failure
[emc.installer] Owner-user object not found for object name ="
Request Type: Deployments/Maintenance / System: DAR
Analysis & Findings:
Calendar objects are referring to a user object (logged in user) when the events are defined in the calendar.
After deploying this dar in a different environment, the dm_user object is invalid in this  new repository, causing deployment error.
The details are as follows:
  • dmc_calendar object is referred by dmc_calendar_event object
  • dmc_calendar_event object's attribute event_organizer is referring to the object id of the dm_user object who defined the event
  • Set the value of the attribute, event_organizer, to null before building the dar so that the reference to the user object is removed from the dar definition and deployment will be successful. 

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